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5 Benefits of Driveway Borders

Driveway border benefits

We've all seen those asphalt paths with no driveway borders. They always look unfinished, with sides crumbling every time a tire goes over them. Bad drivers are the worst enemy of every track with no driveway paving. But that's not all that makes the sides crumble. Every time it rains, there's a possibility your driveway's edges are going to get a bit worse. Driveway borders can be a wonderful addition to your Franklin Lakes home's driveway for a number of different reasons, but adding a layer of protection is one of the most essential. To highlight what several of these benefits are, our team of skilled driveway installation specialists has taken the time to put together the following list.

Virtually No Maintenance

When you don't have borders in your driveway, you'll likely have to spend some time every weekend doing maintenance on your driveway. Most people use a shovel to accent the borders of their driveway. However, if you have driveway paving, there will be no need for that. Installing borders in your driveway will save you a lot of time you could spend otherwise.

Keep Your Driveway From Deteriorating

No matter what type of driveway you have, installing borders is going to help it stay in place. Gravel, asphalt, and brick pavers can all fall out of place if they don't have any borders to keep them from separating. Asphalt edges tend to crumble when it rains, or when tires go over them. Gravel is prone to dispersing all over the lawn, and stone pavers can separate after time. With proper borders, you can prevent those issues. On top of saving your driveway from obvious threats like crumbling of the sides, borders can help with invisible threats. Once you install concrete blocks a couple of inches into the ground all around your path, it's hard for weeds and roots to infect your driveway.

Protect Your Lawn

People don't take paths seriously if they don't have barriers well emphasized. Unfortunately, that's how the mind works. If your driveway doesn't have borders, your guests will walk across your lawn or even drive over it. By simply installing borders, you can create a visible margin between the lawn and the path for your guests. That way, you'll avoid tire tracks across your grass or people ignoring the "keep off the grass" sign.

Increase Your Property Value

Most real estate agents suggest homeowners invest in their property and find ways to increase the value of their home in time. If you might be selling in the future and want your property to gain some value, start looking at driveway borders ideas. Adding borders to your driveway gives the entrance of your home a more premium look that can increase the price of your investment. Though it may not be that expensive to install, it can work to your advantage in the future.

Make Parking Easier

It may not seem that important before you actually have it, but driveway borders help drivers navigate a lot more comfortably. The visual barrier allows the driver to differentiate the asphalt and the grass more clearly, making it easier to park and turn the car around. Also, the extra few inches that the pavers add to your parking space can be useful if you have bad drivers living with you.